Our life has become very difficult these days. And due to this pandemic time, we have to keep a distance from everyone. We have to maintain social distance at all times. We have to be constantly mindful of our surroundings and avoid prolonged human contact. But this is the worst time to live. That’s why we thought of sharing some lovely, healthy comics for all of you.
Meet artist Mo whose comic name is very.cereals. Mo is a student and currently studying computer science. But he likes to share clever insights, random but relatable life situations, and dark moments in his comic. His comics always have surprising twists that are absolutely adorable to watch. Moe has 12.8k followers on Instagram and has been creating a lot of comics on Instagram over the years, so be sure to check it out and give her some love there!
Check out more of Moe’s comics in the gallery below!
More info: Instagram | verycereals.com





Mo says he loves humor because it has no rules and gives him the freedom to express whatever he wants, no matter how absurd or controversial. “Humor is something that can relieve tension about certain subjects and nobody can be mad about it,”























