Meet artist Lars who is also known as a comedy Viking on social media. The artist incorporates dad humor and Norse mythology into his comic which is loved by many. The artist started this passion project in early 2021. The comic is hilarious with a twisted ending.
The artist’s basic goal is to introduce the crazy world of Norse mythology into their comic and add their own twists. His comic becomes a hit of Kamala’s comic. We’ve compiled 30 of his most hilarious comics below. One that will astound you and entertain you. For more information, you can follow him on Instagram which is very much loved by people he can bring smiles to your face with his amazing comics. Scroll down and enjoy his artwork.
More info: Instagram |
#1 Spooky Stories

#2 Investigating Cattle

#3 Avoiding Trouble Makers

#4 Correcting Grammar

#5 Observing The Elderly

#6 Inspecting The Crops

#7 Fishing Trip

#8 Werewolves?

#9 Explaining Types Of Chicken

#10 Thor’s Hammer

#11 History Of The Gods

#12 Dead End

#13 Safe Hiking Practices

#14 Etching Runes

#15 Fresh Prints

#16 Meating New People

#17 Crafting Friends

#18 Horses For Sale

#19 Searching For Bees

#20 Rocking Out

#21 Exploring The Fire Realm

#22 Getting A Leg

#23 Holiday Sweater

#24 Being Neighborly

#25 Asking For Directions

#26 Baking Bread

#27 Trading Souls

#28 Odin’s Ravens

#29 Confusing Tasks

#30 Confusing Bridges