Are you bored with everyday life then you should take a break. Today we have brought a great comic for you that will change your mood. Meet Blanche, a Montreal-based artist known for creating fun and extremely relatable comics. The comic is very funny and full of curiosity. The goal of Artist’s Comics is to deliver comics that make people happy.
Blanche’s comics are colorful and very funny. He was fond of making comics since childhood. He has been making comics since the age of 13. The artist named the comic “Danby Draw Comics”. Who has created a stir on Instagram, she has more than 30 thousand followers who like her work. The artist isn’t afraid to poke fun at the flaws of his comics. We sincerely hope that you will like the comic. Scroll down and enjoy the artwork. To see old comics click here, here, and here.
More info: Instagram | | |




























