COMICS FUNNY humor Illustration

Artist Draws Life-Related Moments With A Cat By Landish And Here Are The Latest 24 Comics

Cats are masters of the unexpected because their behavior often defies logic and defies our expectations. If you like cats then you will like comics. Meet comic artist Landish, known for creating comics filled with colorful illustrations and witty humor. Everyday situations have been captured in comics, where the best moments have been captured in a hilarious way.

The artist has been interested in painting since childhood but his mother did not approve of art studies. Despite graduating from Linguistic University, he never let his passion for illustration die down. Landish believes that “cats are amazing creatures that can brighten your life. He has 418K followers on Instagram who love his work. We have compiled his best comic strips in the following section. If you If you want to enjoy it then keep scrolling.

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