Are you bored with everyday work and you want to freshen your mood, then you are in the right place . Many of us love art and unexpected twists. And joins in hilarious and surprising comics. The artist’s real name is Chris Allison and he has been making comics for 11 years.
Chris uses all kinds of digital and analog materials to create his comics. His comic is very funny. Chris explains that the inspiration for making comics can come from anywhere. “A conversation, a book, an unheard conversation, a wrong word, or seeing someone travel on the pavement. Inspiration from anywhere is attachment. Mike has 93.9k followers on Instagram who adore her work. Comic to the artist It takes about three hours to create. We’re pretty sure you’ll enjoy these new comics too!
More info: Instagram





In general, I think about 4 to 6 hours for most of my comics but it’s hard to estimate. I like to do a lot of things in batch. I’ll pencil 3 or 4 comics on watercolor paper over a couple of nights, then link them all in one night, then try to color a couple of comics at a time.



















