Are you bored with everyday work and you are looking for something that will change your mood then you are in the right place? Today we bring you the comic of popular artist Dylan. Dylan’s comics follow a fun format. Dylan is known on social media as ‘The Daily Dunk’. The main characters in his comic are inanimate objects who live everyday life like us, the actors look at them in a very funny way. We hope you enjoy the comic.
Dylan’s comics are one-paneled, easy-to-understand comics. The artist had a passion for painting since childhood. He has been a big fan of Disney movies since childhood. The artist has been greatly influenced by the art of Calvin & Hobbes and Natalie Dee and takes inspiration from them to create the comic. Dylan has 49.7K followers on Instagram who like his work very much. Scroll down and enjoy the latest artwork from talented artist Dylan.
More info: Instagram |




























