Meet Brooke Karras in her food-themed webcomic. Brooke’s comic is full of unexpected twists and hilarious comics. Brooke’s comic is called Breakfast Club. This comic weaves witty jokes and puns into its imaginary situations, and the storylines are so smooth that this comic will put a smile on your face.
The artist explains that he started the comic as a personal project to challenge himself to draw every day as well as learn how to make a comic on a tablet himself. She says she loved reading Sunday comics as a child (and still does) and that one of her biggest inspirations was Calvin and Hobbes. Brooke’s comic is so much liked by the people that she has 70.k followers on Instagram. And I am sure this comic will bring a smile to your face.
Check out the hilarious comics in the gallery below!





Brooke says that he has liked to be comic and draw pictures since childhood. But due to work, he could not get time. The lockdown due to COVID-19 in March 2020 gave me the opportunity. To spend even more time in drawing. When I started getting messages from people on Instagram saying that my comics brightened their day or made them smile, it inspired me to keep going.















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