Art & Photography COMICS Illustration

29 Hilarious Comics With Absurdly Unexpected Twists By Kubbs

Today we want to introduce you to the cartoonist Kubbs. The funny thing is that Kubbs doesn’t need many words to make people laugh with his four-panel comics. The artist creates some entertaining and episodic comics addressing mental health on a milder scale. The artist usually creates short comics. They always include a healthy dose of humor in their work.

The main inspiration for the artist to create a comic comes from everyday life. Kubbs had a passion for reading and making comics since childhood. Kubbs has worked as an animator by profession. At the end of 2020, he decided to make a comic. He has got 1k followers on Instagram. And his followers are increasing day by day. His comic is full of a sense of humor. We hope you enjoy the comic. Scroll down to see Kubbs’ latest comic!

More info: Instagram | | 






























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