If you like dark humor comics then you are in the right place. These satirical and dark comics from Meet Moscow artist Anton Gudim are perfect for anyone who likes to challenge. He takes simple scenes and turns them into useful messages about our world today. He knows very well how to write a perfect but stupid joke and twist them in a silly way. His comics are full of strange plot twists and punchlines. You may have to stop and think about some of his illustrations.
Anton In his captivating comics, he mocks current standards of beauty and widely prevalent trends and creates trippy pictures with unexpected endings. He has 1M+ followers on Instagram and appreciates his work a lot. I sincerely hope this black-to-black humor makes you laugh out loud. Have fun!!
Source-: Instagram





The artist explained I tried to take a fresh look at routine things, always in such fresh ideas to work with, always summarizing something relevant.

























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