Meet Anton Gudim who is an amazing artist. Anton notices the little ironies of everyday life and portrays them in his own comic format. The artist named his comic “Yes, But” which is very popular all over the world. The artist’s comic is very entertaining and people love his comic because everyone can see the similarities between the “yes, but” moments that we experience in our lives. We hope you will like the comic.
The inspiration for the artist to create a comic comes from his everyday life. The artist has 2 accounts on Instagram with more than 1.6M followers who love his work. The artist started working as an engineer but he soon got bored with the job. The artist had a passion for making comics since childhood, so he decided to quit his job and started making comics. Scroll down to enjoy the comic by artist Anton Gudim. And don’t forget to check out the previous post: Part 1, part 2.
More info: Instagram | |























