ART Art & Photography COMICS FUNNY

30 Funny And Humorous Comics For Dark Humor Lovers By Scribbly G

Do you like dark humor comics with unexpected twists? Then you are in the right place. Meet the famous artist Scribbly G from South Africa. But the artist is currently living in the United Kingdom. The artist has been creating comics for more than 3 years. His comic is quite witty and ironic, we are sure you will love the comic.

Scribbly G’s drawing style is clean and mostly straightforward. Scribbly G has 47.8k followers on Instagram. who like his work very much. His sense of humor is amazing. His comics are of 3 or 4 panels and sometimes up to 6 panels. The comic is so funny you can’t stop laughing. Click Here To View Old Scribbly G Comics

Scroll down for the latest Scribbly G Comics.

source: Instagram |




























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