Do you get tired from everyday work then you need to take breaks from time to time? Today we have brought amazing comics for you. Which will help you start your day with a good laugh. Meet the popular artist Daniel Murrell who hails from Southern California. Daniel’s comic is full of silly humor with random twists. We are sure you will love the comic.
The artist loved to read comics since childhood and had been drawing for a long time. The artist named the comic “Danby Draw Comics”. Daniels said that the inspiration for making the comic comes from artists Bill Watterson and Chris Straub. The artist has 13.6K followers on Instagram. who like his work very much. Daniels has been making comics for a long time but only used to share them with friends. He started sharing on social media during the pandemic. The artist’s goal is to make a good comic and make people laugh. Scroll down and enjoy his artwork. Click here to view old comics.
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