Are you tired of everyday duties? You Need a Break Sometimes we all need an escape from reality that’s why we bring you dark, satirical comics. Which is full of hilarious laughter. This comic is presented by a web artist known as This comic is perfect for some fun reading. The artist is known […]
25 Comics With Fun Plot Twists For The Bored Of You By Marcel Wichman
Today we have brought a comic for those people who like dark humour, twisted ending comics. Meet the Berlin, Germany-based artist Marcel Wichmann who cleverly wrote about himself, “I design apps to live and comics to die. Every one of his comics makes you laugh The artist loves to write and work on digital products […]
25 Hilarious Comics For People With A Weird Sense Of Humor
Dark humor is a type of great humor that has elements of comedy and tragedy. Today we bring to you a comic for people who like a slightly strange sense of humour. Meet the genius artist Matt for his comic name ‘Comics by Night’. His comic is very funny and full of sense of humour. […]