COMICS Dark Comedy humor

30 Comics Full Of Funny Situations And Unexpected Twists By Tauhid Bondia

Meet artist Tauhid Bondia who is known for his heartwarming series ‘Crabgrass Comics’. The artist cherishes his childhood memories through the comic. The comic is full of fun and joy. Tauheed showcases the adventures of a group of friends living in the 80s in the comic, which is heartwarming. The artist gets inspiration to create […]

COMICS Dark Comedy FUNNY humor Illustration

30 New Comics Featuring Absurd Humor And Funny Situations By Tom Toro

Meet the talented cartoonist and writer Tom Toro, born in El Cerrito, California, who now lives in Portland, Oregon with his family. The artist is best known for his single-panel comic series, ‘Home Free’. The comic is full of heartwarming situations in children’s lives. The artist was also a finalist for the National Cartoonist Society […]

ART COMICS FUNNY humor Illustration

One-Panel Comics Full Of Funny Situations And Silly Humor By Maria Scrivan (30 Photos)

Today we would like to introduce you to the talented cartoonist Maria Scrivan. who create one-panel comics with beautiful illustrations and witty commentary. Scrivan is an award-winning cartoonist, illustrator, and author. Comic depicts situations of everyday life in a humorous way. The artist has named his comic series “Half Full” which is very famous in […]

ART Art & Photography Illustration

30 Hilarious Comics With Absurd And Funny Situations By Dieter Bevers

Are you bored with everyday life, you should take a break. Today we have brought an amazing comic for you which will change your mood. Meet Dieter Bevers who hails from Belgium. Dieter Freelance Cartoonist These have won a lot of cartoon awards in other countries around the world. The artist’s comic is simple yet […]