30 Hilarious Comics With Absurdity And Weird Situations By Tauhid Bondia

Today we’d like you to meet Tauheed Bondia, a talented artist who creates humorous single or four-panel comics. The duo’s comics are called “Crabgrass Comics”. The comics contain a plethora of little moments and things that characterize the 80s. Tauheed is a creative genius. The comic is very entertaining, we are sure that the comic […]

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25 Funny and Relatable Comics Full of Life’s Strange Moments and Unexpected Turns (New Photos)

Meet Evie Hilliar, an Australian comedian known for creating hilarious comics full of silly jokes and unexpected twists. Hilliar transforms even the simplest aspects of our lives into hilarious comics. Comics always end with a strange dark twist. The two most common themes in the artist’s comics are stupid jokes and mental health. Sometimes both […]

ART Art & Photography COMICS FUNNY humor Illustration PEOPLE

30 Funny Creative Short Comics Full Of Absurd Situations And Silly Humor By This Artist (New Photos)

The best way to relieve everyday fatigue is to sit back and read webcomics. Today we have brought for you comics with a deep sense of humor. Meet Will Santino, an artist specializing in webcomics. Artists incorporate childhood fairy tales, pop culture, animals, and even pumpkins into their comics. Will’s comics are usually short. Which […]

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30 More Of The Hilarious Comics With Unexpectedly Dark Endings By John Atkinson (New Photos)

Meet John Atkinson, a Canadian cartoonist who creates humorous cartoons inspired by themes from popular classic literature. Artists use a sense of humor in their comics, which is always a plus. John has his comic series named “Wrong Hands” which is very popular. The artist’s cartoons are often inspired by classic books, which he humorously […]

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30 Hilarious Comics With Dark Humor and Twisted Endings By “Off The Mark” (New Pics)

Let us introduce you to Mark Parisi and his comic series ‘Off the Mark’. We’re sure many of you will love it, especially if you’re a fan of dark humor and a surprise ending. Mark is a New Englander who started drawing comics in 1987. Mark has been creating comics for over 30 years. Which […]

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Artist Ryan Pagelow Cute Comics with Unexpected Twists and Dark Endings (New Pics)

Meet Ryan Pagello, one of Chicago’s hottest artists. He loves creating beautiful comics that go off the deep end. Ryan is the creator of Bunni Comics. The artist creates captivating and mood-enhancing pieces including characters such as animals, foods, ghosts, and everyday objects. The comics may look good at first, but no one will be […]

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30 Funny Comics By Talented Artist Jody Zellman That Might Make You Smile (New Pics)

Meet Jody Zelman, an incredible comedian who brings comedy to life with his funny and unexpected comics, memes, and jokes. Jody’s comics are a mix of humor and everyday life. The artist started making comics in September 2017. The artist draws inspiration from great artists like Gary Larson, George Carlin, and Dave Barry. Jodie’s unique […]

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30 Hilarious Comics With Bizarre Situations And Twisted Endings By Dan Piraro (New Photos)

Comic strips are a great medium to bring laughter and relaxation in our lives. If you are looking for hilarious comics, you are in the right place. Meet Dan Piraro who is known for creating his witty and satirical comics depicting the most unexpected scenarios. The artist has used a pen style in the comic […]


30 Hilariously Relatable Comics About Everyday Life By Blanche.draw

Meet artist blanche.draw, an artist based in Montreal. The artist specializes in creating funny and relevant comics. Blanche is known for drawing comics about women. Blanche’s comics have become very popular on social media, with many people sharing them. The artist loved to draw comics and illustrations since childhood. The artist often introduces himself as […]