30 Hilarious Comics With Silly Humor And Ridiculous Situations By Paul Woods

Meet Paul Woods, the 41-year-old cartoonist better known as “Woodsy” on the Internet. He creates hilarious single-panel comics, using puns and words in very funny ways. The comic is full of absurd situations and silly humor, which is great fun. The cartoonist lives in Melbourne, Australia. The artist was fond of reading comics and drawing […]

ART Art & Photography COMICS FUNNY

30 times this artist has drawn his hilarious comics set in a fantasy gaming world (New Pics)

As the day-to-day work is increasing, from time to time we need to take a good break. That’s why today we have brought amazing comics for you. The comic takes place in a fictional world based on a video game. Meet Luis Lee and Ana Gabi Perez, the artists behind the “Clueless Hero” webcomic. There […]

ART Art & Photography COMICS FUNNY

Artist Makes Funny And Humorous Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (30 Pics)

Today we introduce you to one such brilliant artist who can undoubtedly add flavor to your entertainment with his quirky comics. The artist’s name is Chris Holbeck, and he is known for sharing his simple yet amazing comics. Chris has been publishing webcomics on the Internet since 2006. Initially, artists used to draw single-panel comics, […]


30 Hilarious One-Panel Comics Full Of Absurd Situations And Goofy Humor By Karlo Ferdon

Comics are one of the many mediums that artists use to express themselves and their ideas. Meet Karlo Ferdon, the talented artist who creates wordless and minimalistic, yet eloquent one-panel comics. Carlo’s comics are full of funny, absurd, and ironic moments. Which is very funny. The artist was fond of reading comics since childhood. For […]