”Bummer Party” Comics is a popular web comic series known for its silly humor and hilarious and relatable scenes with random twists. Meet Rusty, the talented artist known for creating strange comics about strange events. The artist incorporates humor from his everyday life experiences. And the comic includes funny, absurd and ironic moments. The artist […]
Tag: Random Twists
Here Are 20 Bizarre Comics Full of Random Twists by “Poorly Drawn Lines”
Do you like webcomics, at some point in our lives we have fallen in love with comics. Meet Reza Farazmand, the artist behind the famous webcomic series “Poorly Drawn Lines.” The comics feature surprising, funny, and sometimes even satirical endings with a twist. The artist gets inspiration to create comics from his own feelings. Ideas […]
30 Dark Comics Full Of Random Twists And Unexpected Endings By Harris Fishman
Do you like unexpected and dark humor comics? Meet Harris Fishman, known for creating funny comics with creativity and unexpected endings. Harris’s absurdist and humorous comics are a hit on social media under the name Beetle Moses. The artist was interested in comics since childhood and as he grew up, his interest grew into a […]
Funny Comics With Goofy Humor And Random Twists By Rusty Epstein (30 New Pics)
Meet writer and artist Rusty Epstein who lives in Boston. The artist is known for creating fun comics with silly humor and random twists. The artist creates wacky comics about bizarre events. Rusty injects humor into life situations in a fun way. The comic is full of funny, absurd, and ironic moments. The artist had […]
30 Hilarious Comics With Random Twists And Dark Humor By “A Slice Of Alan” (30 New Photos)
Are you tired of everyday work so you need to take a break? Today we bring you a comic filled with dark humor that will make your day. Meet Texan Allen who is known for creating comics with dark and snarky humor. Allen famously named his comic “A Slice of Allen”. The comic is overpowered […]
30 Hilarious Comics With Random Twists And Dark Humor By Daniel Murrell
Do you get tired from everyday work then you need to take breaks from time to time? Today we have brought amazing comics for you. Which will help you start your day with a good laugh. Meet the popular artist Daniel Murrell who hails from Southern California. Daniel’s comic is full of silly humor with […]
30 Hilarious Comics Full of Random Twists by “Danby Draw”
Are you bored with everyday life, you should take a break. Today we have brought you an amazing comic that will change your mood. Meet Daniel Murrell, a famous artist from Southern California, whose comic is so funny and full of curiosity. Daniels Comics aims to deliver comics that make people happy. Daniels named the […]