Today we want you to meet the talented artist Kippo who creates fun and colorful comics. Kippo portrays situations in her everyday life in a funny way. The comics focus on ridiculously awkward situations in the middle of a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship. The comic is very funny and hilarious. The artist named his comic “kippocomics”. Kippo’s […]
Tag: Funny Comics
30 Funny And Humorous Comics For Dark Humor Lovers By Scribbly G
Do you like dark humor comics with unexpected twists? Then you are in the right place. Meet the famous artist Scribbly G from South Africa. But the artist is currently living in the United Kingdom. The artist has been creating comics for more than 3 years. His comic is quite witty and ironic, we are […]
30 Hilarious Comics With Absurd And Funny Situations By Inna Sacali
Meet Inna Sackli, an architect and artist from Moldova who creates fun comics about her everyday life. The artist believes that raising children is one of the toughest jobs. But taking care of a child is an amazing feeling and there is a lot of love and happiness along the way. The artist has a […]
30 hilarious Comics With Absurd Situations And Unexpected Twists By Blue Boi
Today we bring you some comics filled with absurd situations and unexpected twists that will surely make your day. Meet “Blue Boi” whose comic is so popularly known as out-of-context. The comic is very funny and we hope you like the comic. Artist Blue Boi started the comic on April 2020. Due to Corona, the […]
30 Ridiculously Absurd And Funny Comics By Cameron Spears
Today we have come up with a funny comic depicting funny situations based on our daily life which will definitely bring a smile on your face. Meet Cameron Spears is a humble Canadian comedian. His comics are funny as well as with unexpected twists. We are sure that the comic will surely make you laugh […]
30 Funny Comics That Cover Silly Situations By Chuck Ingverson
Are you bored with everyday life, you are looking for something new to laugh at then you are the perfect place. Meet Chuck Ingvarson, a Chicago-based freelance cartoonist and comedian who creates funny and funny comics. The webcomic features dogs, cats, bears, horses, otters, sharks and other animals. Who will make you laugh with his […]
16 Funny Comics About The Daily Struggles Of Animal Parents Living In Today’s World
Meet the talented artist Brian it’s love to nurture and draw on the lives of animals in his comic. Brian’s adorable comics name is ZooDrows. The artist loves to imagine what it would be like for the animals living in our modern world and the results are downright hilarious. The artist has tried to show […]
30 Funny Comics By Artist Millie Ho With Unexpected Dark Endings
We all agree that the internet is full of amazing artists. Comics are definitely the most popular type of way to boost your mood. There can be different types of comics: wholesome, endearing, dark, and even wildly satirical. The comic series Soapbacken focuses on a sociopathic cat and its food fetcher. This isn’t just your […]