Today we bring you the funny comic, which always ends in the most unexpected twist. Meet Brilliant Artist Scribly G from South Africa Scribly is a digital artist. Scribly G started making 3 years ago. His comic is quite humorous and ironic I am sure you will love the comic. Scribly G’s drawing style is […]
Tag: Unexpected Dark Endings
30 Hilarious Minimalist Comics Without Dialogue By Carlo Ferdon
Today we have brought for you an amazing comic that will brighten your day. The comics are all funny and centered around almost surreal or dream-like situations. The comic is one-panel with no words used but the comic is very hilarious. Meet Carlo Ferdón a genius artist from Chile. Artists have their own unique way […]
30 Hilarious Comics With Dark Humor And Social Criticism By Alex Gamsu Jenkins
Today we have brought a comic full of satire for you. Whose artwork you will like. The comic features quirky artwork with dark humour, satire and social criticism. Meet Alex Gamsu Jenkins, a famous London illustrator and cartoonist whose comics are so popular. We are sure you will love the comic. Alex loves to read […]
30 Hilarious Comics By Mr. Lowenstein For Dark Humor Lovers
If there’s anything more funny than regular humor, it has to be dark humor. Today we bring you a comic full of sense of humour, which is full of funny jokes. Meet the amazing artist Lowenstein whose comic name is Mr. Lowenstein. The artist himself describes them as “sad, pathetic and in a sarcastic but […]
30 Funny Comics That Cover Silly Situations By Chuck Ingverson
Are you bored with everyday life, you are looking for something new to laugh at then you are the perfect place. Meet Chuck Ingvarson, a Chicago-based freelance cartoonist and comedian who creates funny and funny comics. The webcomic features dogs, cats, bears, horses, otters, sharks and other animals. Who will make you laugh with his […]
30 Hilarious Comics With Weird And Twisted Endings By Cat Trigger
The best way to end everyday fatigue is to sit back and read webcomics in peace. Today we bring you amazing comics that include humour, darkness, twists and turns, elements of randomness, an easy drawing style, and much more. which will make you happy. Meet the talented artist Patrick Cheng who has been working for […]
20 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Twists By War And Peas
Today we bring a comic for those who enjoy dark humour. Meet Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich, the two actors who started making webcomics in 2011. The name of the comic is War and Peas which ends the comic with witty and sarcastic with witty twists. The comic is replete with hilarious characters we are […]
Dark Sense Of Humor With 30 Twisted Endings Comic By ToothyBj
Are you tired of everyday duties? You Need a Break Sometimes we all need an escape from reality that’s why we bring you dark, satirical comics. Which is full of hilarious laughter. This comic is presented by a web artist known as This comic is perfect for some fun reading. The artist is known […]
30 Hilarious Comics By Lom That Show Totally Relatable Slice-of-Life
There is no doubt that many things have changed due to this global pandemic. The daily problems of the people have become more. Like unemployment, breakup between people, many problems like wars have come in front of us. But people have learned to cope with these problems and face everyday challenges with the help of […]
25 Funny Comic Reveals The Dark Side Of Animals By Things in Square
Meet comedian Kale who is garnering a lot of love from the audience with his comic Things In Square. Kale’s comic perfectly exposes Kale’s thoughts. Drawing animals is also a different experience and can be as competitive as drawing humans. The artist creates a comic by keeping humans awake and animals in the comic. The […]